Jun 16, 2017

Never Ever Ever Giveup

One of the easiest way to get past any situation is to Give up, when u give up you end the things ,u end the problem but with all this u also kill the hope of achieving something that u had before it.

May be the things that look hard to you now will be something that u would explain to others in your sucess story? No success story can ever exits without having many many hardles and you saying giveup on this one would really ruin your story isn't it? 

The world is the hard place for those who want to achieve something and u would never be able to be there untill u gave this hurdles your self! No one else can do same for you u will have to your self.u will have to take one decision what do u want your future to look like? Do u want it to be something that is worth fighting for or are you happy with just being nothing in this big world ! 

Choice is yours to face this or giveup! But before making any decisions always remember it's gona change what u are and what u would be in your future.

I always believe in one simple line. Give up is for those who like to make things easy but i dont like it easy ! I love things worth fighting for !

So why not take the control of your life , break the tradition of doing what other says and never ever ever giveup on your self!

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