May 21, 2015

Make a folder locker without passwords!

Hello friends welcome back to trick your world. Today I am here to share a really amazing thing with all of you.  We all have some private files in our pc's this files are really important to us but we can't really share this information or this files with any other.  Even our parents. So what can be done?  We mostly setup a password for this kinda files but our parents have access to us and they can force us to type in the password and see what's in it isn't it?  So today I am here with a solution to all this issues!! Today we will learn to make a protected folder that no one else can access and it would not be password protected so no once can force you to open it up!!  Looks great?  So what are you waiting for let's start..
First of all let us see features of this method :-
1. Folder would not ask password so no body can force you to open it.
2. No one can actually delete that folder so you are totally secure.
3. It's size would also be shown 0 so no one will have any doubts on you and they all will treat it as virus.
4. Really fast and easy just one click to Lock and Unlock.

Now Let's us see the steps involved in doing so :-
1. Go to your desktop and create a new folder.
2. Name it anything you like but don't add any spaces in the name.
3. Place all of your private files that you wana lock inside it.
4. Now open command prompt. (win + r and cmd )
5. Code to Lock :- (enter each of following one by one)
cd desktop
cacls foldername /e /c /d %username%
Just replace foldername with name of folder u created and that's all your folder is locked!!
6. Code to unlock the folder :- (open a new command prompt)
cd desktop
cacls foldername /t /c /g %username%:f
That's all check the folder again it would be working fine!
So that was how you can actually lock any folder without any passwords. I hope you enjoyed the post and will surely use it for at least once.
If this post came in any help then Pleas consider sharing this post with your Friends online.
For any doubts u can surely comment below we will try to reply as soon as possible.
That's all for now

1 comment :

  1. Its nt says no mapping between account name&security ids was done
