Jul 1, 2014

My plan to bring a change to the society being a Microsoft Student Associate

Hello every one,

Just two days before i have applied for Being a Microsoft Student Associate. I have always wanted to be a part of Microsoft whatever be my role but i always wanted to called by the Microsoft and being Microsoft Student Associate will be my first step towards my success!

Microsoft is the most famous name in the computer world. Its popularity can be Represented by a simple line:-

" Most of the Ordinary people knows operating system Only as Windows"

So we can say Microsoft has been a the only OS which people (Mostly) know as the OS. Even through Microsoft is soo much popular still people don't know a lot about it and that's what i will be doing!!

I will be sharing the knowledge that i have and the knowledge that i will get about the Microsoft to help this new generation know deeper about there own PC. I will try to show the society the way in which they can use there PC most effectively!

I have a small  ambition and that is to develop application for microsoft and the soul reason behind making those application will be too help others know the power of there PC and to make there daily tasks as easy as possible!

I will show how with the help of microsoft we can build any thing of anytype from a small game to a big mass used application i will try to share and teach other the way in which they can change there Raw ideas into a real applications!

I have always believed that today generation in which i too belong is too intelligent they can learn any thing and they can use anything but the only thing they find hard is how to get started with that anything!

Student of this generation are mostly Good in computers but they are good in just using the computers not in making some thing them-self for the computer if what i will try to do is that i will show them the way and the path through which a simple computer user can be changed into a Good programmer! I have many friends who are Good in programming but what they have learned until now is just C and then C++ and that too only to the level of college they have the potential but they really dont know where to use there potential to get the most out of it. I will organize many seminars and workshops in which i will show the exact path to there potential and i am sure they will surely get the most out of it!

I will organize many seminars in which students will not be though about to program but they will be thought about how to they can on there on learn to program! I will teach them the way and help them in there way and they will go the shown path towards there success. I believe that if they will do this on there own than they will able to learn about the things more practice one can only know about the possible mistakes by actually doing those mistakes i will be always with them to help them if they are not able to move further and will surely be giving some of the important things that they should always remember but the most will be done by themself on there own sides and by doing this they will not only remember the programs but will actually be able to have the deep knowledge of the language and thats what i really want!!!

So that was my plan To bring the change to the Society by being a Microsoft Student Associate!

Hope you liked it


[Rajdeep Singh Barad]

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