Sep 26, 2016

Setting the development with Android Studio

Android now a day has become one of the most amazing things to learn. With the increase in the number of android devices in the world, it's something that everyone wants to learn. Even trough Google has made all of its possible efforts to make sure that starting up the development with Android can be as easy as possible but still many newcomers find it hard to setup things properly for their Android development environment. So today in this post we will discuss the complete steps of setting up android development Environment.So let's start our journey!

Just follow the given Steps one by one:

       1. Installing JDK :- The first step that mostly all of the newcommers forget to implement is of downloading the JDK. U need to have the JDK7+ installed in your computer for Android Studio to work on it. To get JDK Visit this link and choose the correct version for your computer.

     2. Install latest Version of JAVA RunTime Enviroment :- Next part is almost identicle u need to install Java Runtime Enviroment on your computer. This is from the exact same site and in exact same way u just need to download from this link! and choose the correct version.

     3. Android Studio :- Ok all done till here? Now its time for something interesting! We are finally downloading Android Studio. Its quiet Big in size as it comes with the required SDK just download the android Studio from this link. Visit there and click on that BIG download boutton!

As u can see its quiet big in size but once its done everything is totally under control. After Downloading this u dont really need any further tutorial just open the downloaded Android studio setup all the dependencies are already in place so just open the setup and install it like u would install any normal software. Just countinue following on screen steps and u will soon have the Android Studio Running!!!!

Need some help in Using Android Studio??? 
Just keep following this blog we would soon return with more android posts all starting from totally basics to pro level!

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