Aug 9, 2016

Getting Motivated is Easy

We all live in a world were there are unlimited ways of getting demotivated. Even the smallest thing that mattered a lot for us can demotivate us. With so many things to do the whole day, so many things to take care of, so many dreams, so many schedules, so many people to meet and surely soo many people to take care of it because quiet too easy to get Demotivated! 

I personally has seen many people being Demotivated for the things that may look just nothing for u. But we are not here for that at all. The only reason we are here is to get motivated but the thing is even your presence here is the proof that u are Demotivated. U have already given up to some part of your self but by taking the efforts of Coming up again u proved u still have strength to be something better and believe me that's the only requirement nothing else is required to reach the state where everything would feel good everything would feel motivating!
But before we start it's important to understand what we actually mean when we say or just feel like we are demotivated.

Being demotivated just means one thing giving up on to your self on that to because of some small reason. Small as compared to what u actually are, small as compared to what u can actually be! In the state of demotivation we only think of what bad has happened with us forgetting all good that it can bring and leaving all good we already have. It's like we are just sad for not having something while may be we deserve a better. It's the time were we are actually stuck in the loop of our own thinking with out actually trying to coming out of it. The first rule of being motivated is to stay away of demotivation!

But now u will say it's not that easy always! I have much bigger problems and I can't really find a way out! And that's really were most of people just give up but the trick is not to just forget and move on, move on only after learning something or achieving something from your demotivation!
For example if the demotivation is due to failure in achieving some goals in place of just staying there with your sadness it's best to ask your self why you failed and once you get answer to your questions try to figure out what u can do to make sure failure stays aways from your territory next time!

If demotivation is due to some persons acts, ya it happens a lot just remember those persons who have been good to you! Or even of the same person which is hurting u but was good some time ago, in place of having all its bad memories in u try to replace them with the good one that I have always preserved and that's the most required solution for it.

Once u are out of demotivation getting Motivated its really easy! But first let's see the effect of motivation. For example take two persons who have to present there project to the audience person one is not motivated while person 2 is completely motivated. What would they be thinking? How would they react to things that happens there?

Person 1 : For person 1 every thing can be a issue what If someone asks something that I don't know? What if I would forget something on the stage, I don't want the first turn to present I just wana see that other has to present, I just hope everyone would like it. This type of thoughts would continue to pop up in his head and that would only make him more and more nervous. He would be thinking what would happen if I would lose. Will I ever get a second change?

Now see how the Person 2 reacts :- yahoo I have a presentation today I was waiting for this day to come from a long time, today I would rock! Let them ask anything answering them is fun even if I don't know the Complete answer I know I would manage something surely! If I would be given the first chance to present then I would give such a image that judges would not be able to forget me till the end and would be just comparing my presentation with others and even if I go last I would just wipe out image if others with my presentation! I know everybody would like it!

Now with this type of attitude this type of motivation even his smiling face would be enough to drop the courage of opponents to its 50%! Even if things go wrong this guy would be able to handle it because he knows he can and he is confident about it! This confidence has come from his motivation! Due to this everything that he would do on the stage would look much better than any one without much confidence! Everyone likes motivated persons so that they too can get inspired by them.

Motivation and demotivation both of them depends on just one thing that is your thinking. If u will think only about the good things that has happened and best thing that can happen u are the most motivated person but in place of that if u would just keep on remembering what went wrong and what can go wrong then believe me u are just inviting the bad to happen with yourself again!

Motivation is not always about thinking good u have to think of what can go wrong too but the way of thinking should be like if it would go wrong then I would do something in place of nothing. The biggest point of motivation and hardest thing to know about motivation is that even if u fail u need to continue with your own motivation to try again! It should not be your own time friends it should be your life long partner! Failure is one of the truth of life but once u accept it and always try to cross it then u would Cross it!
There is absolutely no one in this whole world who can stop u from achieving your goals everything u require is already with u! Your body is working your mind still has capacity to thing in the right way everything else can be achieved on the way towards your success. Lack of anything else can't stop u because everything else can be achieved if u just use your body and mind wisely!
Failures would come but understanding how to deal with them is the key to stay away from them. But even after getting success your motivation to do something would just keep taking u higher and higher there is just no limit to your own talent, u just need to figure out what it actually is, u can do anything but before doing u have to believe it your self that u can!

Everything starts from your own brain it gives u the idea to do something, everything is done by u your self and ar end your brain is the only one who would let u to success then how can anyone, any condition can shake your motivation towards your goal? No one can and no one should!
Are u feeling motivated now?

Yes? Great that's why I wrote this post in the first place!

No? That's fine as no article can really motivate someone what it can do for the most is to give u a chance to see your own potential! Getting motivated or not depends on just your own self if u would like to move ahead it's the time! But if u would prefer wasting sometime more than to its your own decision I am no one to change it. I can just hope the best for u!

Now just rise your heat think of your goal, throw of everything that's against your Goal and feel the pressure of achieving your goal even before u do so! That goal it's yours and no one can stop u from reaching it! No one has that much power or that much courage only u can stop yourself no one else!

Feeling motivated? If yes than ples share the motivation with other by sharing this link!
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Motivation is not a one time medicine it requires contact efforts!
Thank You 

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