Apr 30, 2015

Things You may Dont Know Your Android Can Do!!

Hello friends and welcome back to trick your world. Today iam back with one more interesting post in which we will see some of te things that you can do with your android but may be You were not really knowing it well. I will list Some of the things You may Dont know your android can do for you!!
So lets start with the list :-
1. Start Your Car :–  Isnt it crazy? You can actually start your car by the help of your android device!! And you know whats the best part of it? You can do so even when you are hundred miles away from your Car. You can actually lock and unlock the doors of your car from anywhere. Ya it surely needs some preparions to be done But once done its really amazing. Some Apps Like Viper SmartStart Helps achieving this smart task directly from you android!!
Not gona Have deep discussion on how may be will do so in next post for now you can Google for Viper SmartStart to know more!!

2. Measuring The Speed and Distance :–  I was really not knowing that i can do so with my android untill i actually tried it! Imagine measuring the approx distance of the object from you by just using your android device. That looks really great isnt it! App like Smart Distance can actually do this for you!! And once you know the distance you can use the Speed Gun app to easily get the speed with which that Object or may be car is moving!!
3. Tape Measuring and Bubble leveling :- Have you ever got a need to measure some thing on the go? We dont really move with a scale isnt it. We are not school students! There are many apps like Smart Tools and Measure Tool App that can actually do this for you and that to quiet easily! (Do google search for any app you feel interesting! cant link them here)
    In same way Bubble leveling is too easy via the use of the app too. just install some apps like Bubble Level or iHandy Level Free (google again) to have a look at them!
4.Google Goggles :–  This one is my favorite by installing just one app called Google Goggles we can get information about anything we see around us and that to by using our cameras. Not only that it even helps us to translate the books or even the page to any language you wanted to. The best companion to have with us when we are going some where aboard!! Apart from its special camera that scans almost any things you can even use it to scan barcode and QR code.
5. Much More Out there :–  There is even much more then this our android can even do our medical checkups and count our heart rates. We can order online , use bit torrents , Set home as DVR , control other things through it and much more. We cant really imagine the potential this smart OS has with himself!!
This post was just to show the potential of the android to you all soon i would be back with more posts that will show you how exactly you can make things great for your android and get the most out of it. Utill then bookmark us , subscribe us and stay connected .
You can surely post the things that you may wana know as an comment we will try to write on it too.
Thats all for now.
(image source = androidadvices.com)

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