Apr 8, 2014

Running C/C++ on Any Linux

Hello friends,

as i was out of blogging for quiet a long time i started learning many things, now i have learned many new things including:-

  1. C
  2. C++
  3. JAVA
  4. PHP
  5. Antroid
  6. Game development
  7. LINUX
So i have decided to share this things with you all,

So todays topic is running C or C++ in Any linux distribution.

So to get started start your Linux Os then :-

  •  Open the terminal. You can find it easily in main menu. (Looks Like windows CMD or DOS)
  • Now depending on which OS you use enter this Command:-

For Ubantu/Mint:-          sudo apt-get install dosbox

In Fedora:-              sudo yum install dosbox
In Arch:-                sudo pacman -S dosbox

  • So it should look something like this on opening:-

  •  Now place The Torbo C setup files in your home directory
  • Then type this commands in dropbox one by one :-
mount c ~
cd tc              (where tc is turbo setup folder name) 

Now follow the screen to install Turbo C

Then to start it use:-

mount c ~
cd TC
cd BIN

and it should successfully start the turbo C.

Note :- Dont use ctrl + f9 kry to compile and run as it will close the Dosbox.

Hope you enjoyed it for any further enquiry you can comment below.


(Image taken from Google Image Search)

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